Top Ten Pet Friendly Houseplants

Top Ten Pet Friendly Houseplants
March 28, 2022
Top Ten Pet Friendly Houseplants

Top Ten Pet Friendly Houseplants

A very common question our experts receive is whether a houseplant is toxic to dogs and/or cats. To that end, we have compiled a list of our Top Ten Picks for Pet Friendly Houseplants. Most of these plants are also easy to care for. The only thing they can’t do is stop the cat from playing with them!

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African Violets: These plants can flower off and on throughout the year. Give them bright, indirect light and place them on a pebble tray for more humidity. Keep their leaves dry and their soil moist (not soggy). One way to do that is to water them from the bottom. Fill their saucer and let them drink up.

Hoya: All hoyas are safe for pets and we carry a wide variety. These plants prefer plenty of bright indirect light. Water them when they dry out (they’re considered succulents).

Boston Fern: These lush green plants do love humidity. They’re perfect for your bathroom or kitchen. Keep the soil moist, not soggy, and the plant in bright light. This can also be achieved with artificial light.

Holiday Cactus: There are actually 3 types. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. The only differences between these plants are the shape of their leaves and when they bloom. Water these plants when the surface is dry to the touch. According to Clemson University, the members of this group of cacti require 14 hours of darkness to initiate bloom. Brightness from streetlights or indoor lights can cause plants to drop their blossoms or fail to bloom. Turn off the lights if you want the blooms! When in bloom, keep plants in a sunny window and don’t let the soil dry out. Overall, an easy-going houseplant.

Pilea mollis ‘Moon Valley’: Heavily textured leaves, this plant remains relatively small but packs a punch with good looks. Place in bright indirect light and water as soon as the soil starts to dry.

Polka Dot plant: aka Hypoestes phyllostachya is a cute plant that can be dotted with pink, red or white. Grow your polka dot plant in well-draining soil, provide adequate humidity and bright, indirect light. These sweet small plants look like an artist splashed them with their paintbrush.

Orchid (Phalaenopsis): Also called Moth Orchid, this is the easiest orchid to grow. Place in an east or south window and on a pebble tray if possible. They do like more humidity. As for watering, give them a few ice cubes once a week. Their growing media is a very light mix. The flowers last for months.

Echeverias: We have many options of wonderful succulents in this family. They offer a variety of color and texture, with some even flowering. Place in a south or west window and do NOT overwater. They like their soil to dry out between waterings.

Spider plant: Easy to grow, just give this plant bright light and don’t over water. Soon you’ll have plenty of babies. Note: This plant is not toxic according to the ASPCA, however, there are reports that it is considered mildly hallucinogenic to cats. How much it takes to induce issues and what can happen to them is still an open question. The ASPCA makes no mention of its hallucinogenic properties. However, there are reports that they can have gastrointestinal issues. 

Maranta: aka Prayer Plant is a beautiful plant whose leaves fold at night and open during the day. These low growing plants prefers bright indirect light. They don’t like to be chilled, keep them out of drafts. Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Don’t let them sit in water.

Cats sitting with Houseplants



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