The Garden Scoop - Epiphany & what to do with your Christmas tree

December 31, 2024
The Garden Scoop - Epiphany & what to do with your Christmas tree

January 6th is the official last day of the 12 Days of Christmas, the Epiphany. What is the Epiphany? The word itself has several meanings but for Christians it holds special significance on this day as the coming of the Magi or Three Wise Men. This from Merriam-Webster: the first manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles and in the Eastern Church in commemoration of the baptism of Christ. 

There are various celebrations around the world as Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus (with the Wise Men offering gifts) and His baptism as well. Many of those traditions include plunging into freezing water. I'll pass on that one! Still others include more food! As traditions change around the world through more western influence, check out Wikipedia's information on the varied celebrations of Epiphany. 

For many of us it also means packing away the Christmas decorations, lovingly putting away those precious ornaments from years gone by and dragging your real tree to the curb.